Release of Information
Things you need to know if you request Havenwyck Hospital medical records
- Currently, all Havenwyck Hospital medical records are not electronic – they are all in paper.
- Before record requests can be processed, a valid release of information form (that follows strict behavioral health-compliant protection guidelines concerning mental health) must be properly signed by the patient or his representative and provided to us.
- After a patient leaves the hospital, the Health Information Management (Medical Records) Department must have time (up to 30 calendar days) to get all of that patient’s record completed.
- We no longer retain records for care prior to 2000, and those prior to 2023 are stored off-site and require some time to be returned to the hospital.
- Requests for release of medical records can be emailed; however, the actual medical records in response to the requests cannot.
- Faxed requests should be sent to 248-475-9867.
- A request by a guardian of adult-age patients must include identification and proof of current valid guardianship.
- There may be a charge for requested records.
If you need more information about Havenwyck Hospital’s release of medical information process, please contact the Health Information Management (Medical Records) Department at 248-373-9200, Extension 123.